Virtual assistants are online, remote workers who help busy professionals with their tasks. They’re usually self-employed and work from home, but they can also be employed by other companies that offer virtual assistant services.

If you’re organized and have good time-management skills, a job as a virtual assistant might be right for you. In this guide to the job of a virtual assistant, we’ll discuss what duties they perform, what salary they get paid, and some of the advantages of becoming one yourself.


What Does a Virtual Assistant Do?

A virtual assistant is a remote worker who provides administrative and other professional services to clients.

The job description of a virtual assistant includes, but is not limited to:

  • Managing calendars and schedules for you or your business
  • Finding information on the internet that you need for your projects
  • Manage social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.
  • Organizing meetings with clients in different parts of the world (this is especially beneficial if they live far away from you)


According to Glassdoor, PayScale and Indeed, the median salaries in the United States, are as follows:

But keep in mind that these sites are not always accurate, because they often don’t include location-specific data or other factors that impact your paycheck.

For example, if you live in New York City versus Des Moines, your cost of living will be different.

And if you work for a large corporation versus an SMB (small-to-medium business) and/or freelance from home versus from an office building—all these things will affect your salary as well. So take those numbers with a grain of salt!

There are also other factors like project type (full time or part time), task assignment (admin vs content creation), duration of work commitment (one day vs one week) and overall experience level that can play into how much money you earn as a VA.

The best way to gauge all of this is by checking out job postings online—and even then it might not provide enough information about the position at hand!

The Advantages of Becoming a Virtual Assistant

If you’re looking for a way to make money from home, being a virtual assistant is a great option. It can be flexible, lucrative, and fun!

Here are some of the advantages:

  • You get to work from anywhere. There’s no commute or office to drive yourself crazy in. Just you and your computer with an internet connection!
  • You can work for multiple clients at once. This means more income potential and more flexibility in scheduling your time around other priorities like family life or schoolwork if that’s important to you (it should be!).
  • You also have the freedom to choose which days/hours/months of the year that you want to work versus which ones you don’t want to work

This mean less stress on those days when nothing urgent needs doing compared with periods where everything seems urgent all at once.

Job opportunities.

You can work from anywhere. There are no set hours and no commute to worry about. A lot of people choose to work in pajamas or their favorite workout clothes, but others like a little structure and will get dressed up if they’re meeting with clients.

Because there’s no boss, you won’t have anyone telling you what to do all day long (unless it’s the clients).

You decide how many hours per week or per month that works best for your business needs, as well as how much money you want to make on each job request.

Because there are so many ways for virtual assistants to market themselves—through social media channels like Instagram and Facebook; through blogging platforms like WordPress; and by attending conferences where other entrepreneurs congregate—it’s easy for them to get started quickly without spending big bucks upfront on advertising campaigns or fancy equipment like computers or printers.


Virtual assistants are becoming more and more in demand. If you want to work from home, this is a great job to look into. There are many opportunities for entrepreneurs and flexible lifestyle choices.


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